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Audio Brewers releases 'ab Delay' - spatial delay for Stereo and Immersive formats

2022-4-2 10:19| 发布者: apollo| 查看: 434| 评论: 0

摘要: Audio Brewers releases 'ab Delay' - spatial delay for Stereo and Immersive formatsAudio Brewers has announced the release of ab Delay, a spatial delay for composers and sound designers using Stereo an ...
Audio Brewers releases 'ab Delay' - spatial delay for Stereo and Immersive formats
Audio Brewers has announced the release of ab Delay, a spatial delay for composers and sound designers using Stereo and Immersive formats.

ab Delay was created with three-dimensional spatial transformations in mind. Whether a Sound Designer or Composer works fully in Stereo, wants to blow-up a Mono or Stereo signal to surround, Atmos, immersive or custom speaker arrays, or directly works in Ambisonics, ab Delay natively assimilates all the signals and processes them for any of the configurations.

With ab Delay, Audio Brewers introduces their 'Ping Pong Pang Pung' concept, where the signal can bounce anywhere around the sonic sphere (left-right-front-back-top-bottom) encapsulating the listener in immersive scenarios – a handy tool for Sound Designers and Composers.

ab Delay offers up to 4 Delay Lines, each one with its own HP and LP filters, transformation, and delay controls. Each of the delay lines can be set to work in Parallel or Serial Mode.

With ab Delay the user can:
Work completely in Stereo whilst taking advantage of the psycho-acoustic characteristics sound takes when it's being transformed three-dimensionally.
Blow-up a Mono/Stereo sound source to Ambisonics, and subsequently to any Surround, Atmos or Immersive format out there.
Work natively with any 1st, 2nd or 3rd Order Ambisonics signal, getting 1OA Delay Bounces.
Apply Delay and Mixdown any 1st, 2nd or 3rd Order Ambisonics signals down to Stereo.

Intro Price: 59.00 (Reg. 79.00) through 28, April, 2022, at www.audiobrewers.com









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