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Fabric 70 Explorer, free 4-OSC poly Synthesizer plugin for macOS and Windows

2022-7-5 11:14| 发布者: 76931780| 查看: 391| 评论: 0

摘要: Fabric 70 Explorer, free 4-OSC poly Synthesizer plugin for macOS and WindowsSYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you ...
Fabric 70 Explorer, free 4-OSC poly Synthesizer plugin for macOS and Windows
SYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation & partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you support the website. Thanks! 

Fabric 70 Explorer is a new free 4-oscillator virtual analog polyphonic Synthesizer plugin (VST3/AU) for macOS and Windows.

At the beginning of 2021, the Japanese developer Fabric 70 gave us two beautiful free effect plugins. A filter is also a distortion/bit crusher plugin.

Today the developer released another free plugin. It’s a new Synthesizer.

Fabric 70 Explorer
Explorer is a new free Synthesizer with 4 oscillators and up to 128 voices in total. The first three oscillators feature sine, triangle, sawtooth, and square waveforms and different waveshaping options. The first section gives you five algorithms including basic, sync, phase distortion. stretch, and flip.

Plus, you can do phase or ring modulation between the oscillator. Unlike the other oscillators, the fourth gives you a noise generator with white/pink flavors and an additional filter. Pretty impressive is the oscillator voice count. Each generator can have up to 64 voices.

Then you can mix the oscillators individually in the filter. So you can work very flexibly with them. It’s just one filter but it’s packed with filter types: LP BP, HP, notch, peak, all pass, low shelf, high shelf, comb +, comb-). With an additional drive, you can add warmth to the filter. A nice filter section with a lot of possibilities

Modulation side, you get three DAHDSR envelopes giving you dedicated controls over the delay, attack, hold, decay, sustain, and releases. There are also three multi-wave LFOs with sync and reset options. Here, too, it is positive that the individual features are very extensive. So is more than just a classic Synthesizer plugin.

Fabric 70 developed the plugin in the JUCE Framework. At first glance a solid free Synthesizer plugin with a good sound. However, it has a problem that can be solved. The GUI is clearly too small and spread out too much. Make them a bit more compact and bigger in controls for better usable and readable features, and it’s perfect.

Fabric 70 Explorer is available now as a free download and runs as a VST3 and AU plugin on macOS and Windows.









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