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Superbooth 22: Doepfer Stereo multimode filter and new utility modules

2022-5-9 17:21| 发布者: blender| 查看: 319| 评论: 0

摘要: Superbooth 22: Doepfer Stereo multimode filter and new utility modulesAt Superbooth 22, Doepfer will premiere three new Eurorack modules: a new stereo multimode filter, a quad attenuator, and a new in ...
Superbooth 22: Doepfer Stereo multimode filter and new utility modules

At Superbooth 22, Doepfer will premiere three new Eurorack modules: a new stereo multimode filter, a quad attenuator, and a new inverter/interrupting mixer. 

A Superbooth without Dieter Doepfer is unimaginable. At least for me. He is the father of the Eurorack format and the personality that musicians always associated with the modern modular world.

Dieter Doepfer will have a booth at Superbooth 22. Once again in the cozy bungalow village (B025).

Superbooth 22 Doepfer
For Superbooth 22, Doepfer is announcing three new modules. One bigger and two new smaller utilities.

Doepfer A-121s Stereo Multimode Filter (VCF)
The A-121s (12HP) is a stereo multimode filter featuring the same 12dB multimode filter core as in the A-121-2 and A-121-3 modules. More precisely it’s the same filter as in the  Dark Energy II/III analog Synthesizer. It works for both stereo applications as well as parallel or serial dual-mono filters.

It offers continuously morphable filter types from lowpass to notch, and highpass to bandpass. You can control it manually using the classic filter parameters including frequency (f), resonance (Q), and type (TP). Then, you can control it with CV via the dedicated CV inputs. There is also a filter spread functionality (frequency difference/delta f) for the filter frequency.

Plus, you get independent frequency modulation inputs with dedicated polarizers. According to Dieter Doepfer, they attached great importance to the usability of the manual controls and CV inputs for both stereo and dual-mono applications. An interesting new stereo filter. Looking forward to hearing some sound demos.

The second new module is the A-183-5 (4HP), a new simple passive quad attenuator. The module doesn’t offer any active parts like amplifiers or buffers thus it doesn’t require power. The module is straightforwardly designed: at the output socket appears the attenuated input signal, i.e. zero level at the fully CCW position and max. level and the fully CW position.

It’s an inexpensive, handy module for adjusting audio or CV signals or just adding attenuation to modules that do not have attenuators available.

Doepfer A-183-5 Quad Attenuator

Doepfer A-183j Inverter/Interrupting Mixer (Janus Mixer)
Lastly, the A-183j (6HP) is a four-channel mixer with an additional polarity/mute switch for each input. For each channel, you can either decide either to invert, mute or “normal” the signal using the switch. The inverting functionality is great in combination with control voltage signals like LFOs, or ADSR envelopes. Also nice in with audio signals. For example for feedback applications or the mixing of original and processed signals (e.g. original and filtered signal to obtain new filter types) says Doepfer.

Further, the module has two types of single outputs and a dual mix output. All inputs and outputs are DC coupled means you can use the VCAs with audio and CV. Each input also hosts a linear attenuator with amplification that range from 0 to 1. The output is twice available (two sockets, hard-wired like a multiple). Another very useful utility module.

Superbooth 21 News Update
Good news for the product announcements from Superbooth 21. According to Dieter Doepfer, the keyboard case (A-100PBK) and the long-awaited Quad Random Voltage Source (A-149-4) will be available very soon.

Doepfer A-121s stereo multimode filter will be available in June 2022 for 260









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