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Morphos, an animating oscillator module based on the Norand Mono

2022-4-17 09:14| 发布者: 257100| 查看: 327| 评论: 0

摘要: Norand pulls out the oscillator/ modulation engines of the Mono Synthesizer and merges them into Morphos a new animating analog oscillator module.The Norand Mono is a Bassline Synthesizer that takes t ...
Norand pulls out the oscillator/ modulation engines of the Mono Synthesizer and merges them into Morphos a new animating analog oscillator module.

The Norand Mono is a Bassline Synthesizer that takes the concept into the “crazy” modern. With two detunable oscillators with thru-zero FM, almost endless modulation, and an impressive feature-rich sequencer.

The journey of the young French developers is now continuing with a new oscillator module that gives you many features of the Mono Synthesizer.

Norand Morphos Eurorack
Norand Morphos
The information is now official. Morphos is a 3D morphing complex analog oscillator. The developers have backed both analog oscillators of the Mono bassline synth into a new module and supercharged it with modulation. One on each side. Each oscillator gives you morphable waveforms (sine, triangle, square, and sawtooth), independent detune, hard-sync, and thru-zero frequency modulation. You also get two 1V/oct inputs for each oscillator, a waveform CV, and TZFM and FM inputs.

In the middle, there is also internal modulation with controls over the rate and amount via knobs and type & wave via buttons.  It is powered by Norand’s contextual modulation technology where you can modulate every parameter on the module. It provides 3 modulate modes featuring an attenuverter, 4-waveform modulator, and ping envelope. The last allows you to modulate timbre and create drum sounds. The buttons under the CV inputs serve as a mapping system and provide visual feedback on the active mode.

Preset Morphing
The highlight of the module is the preset morphing functionality. Yes, the module can store up to four presets and allows you to continuously morph between multiple presets. And it’s not just simple morphing. Morphos give you 3D morphing where your presets are in a 3D space. Here the engine calculates each parameter as a morph between the 6 closest neighboring presets in that 3D space, at each time step.

Morphing is implemented by morph strips on the module features specially developed FSR sensors that can detect vertical, horizontal, and pressure information. So instead of on/off information, Morphos actually detects the exact position of your finger on said strip, allowing it to smoothly morph between the presets in every direction.

Sound demos are only available on the website currently. At first look a very exciting unique take on a complex oscillator. .

Norand Morphos is available now for an introductory price of 320









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