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Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes: A Solution Found?

2022-3-21 13:42| 发布者: hooks| 查看: 475| 评论: 0

摘要: Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes: A Solution Found?Electro- Harmonix made an official announcement last week, stating that it could no longer manufacture and sell Russian made vacuum tubes. Restr ...
Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes: A Solution Found?

Electro- Harmonix made an official announcement last week, stating that it could no longer manufacture and sell Russian made vacuum tubes. Restrictions and sanctions, as a direct result of the war in Ukraine, made it impossible. Now, barely a week later, the company has made a u-turn; however, it could be expensive news for anyone wanting Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes.

Electro-Harmonix Russian Vacuum Tubes
Below is the official statement from Electro-Harmonix:

The situation preventing the importing of Russian vacuum tubes has been resolved for now. As a result, we are accepting new orders, processing backorders, and hoping to resume shipping in April 2022. 

Considering the various economic pressures mentioned in our last announcement, we will be forced to raise our wholesale prices on these tubes. This price increase, which will be announced separately, will apply to all new orders and backorders. 

Also, there will likely be a further price increase imposed on shipments received after the U.S. government, following Canada’s lead (of imposing 35% tariffs), implements its own heightened tariffs. 

You can cancel any backorder if you wish, but we do not recommend this, as there is a tremendous shortage of tubes. 

EHX Russian made vacuum tubes available once more,

What does this mean?
Well, if you wanted to buy Russian-made vacuum tubes via Electro-Harmonix, then in theory, you can now have access to them once more. Although, the physical cost, and also the moral costs, of doing so will be something that you will have to take into account. The Electro-Harmonix factory in Russia produces vacuum tubes for Tung-Sol, Electro-Harmonix, EH Gold, Genalex Gold Lion, Mullard, Svetlana and Sovtek.

The Big Question
The question is: Will manufacturers and individuals avoid buying Russian made products, and instead boycott them? Or will they be prepared to pay the premium, and put up with Russian manufactured vacuum tubes? We’ll keep you updated as we learn more.

UPDATE 17/03/22
I received an updated slightly revised statement direct from Electro-Harmonix which you can read below.

Attention All EHX Tube Customers

The export restriction on Russian tubes has been resolved for now. We are accepting new orders, processing backorders, and hoping to resume shipping in April. Priority will be given to the oldest orders.

Considering various economic pressures, we must raise our wholesale prices. This price increase will apply to all back- and new orders. Also, there will likely be a further price increase for tubes shipped from our NYC headquarters once the government implements heightened tariffs against Russian goods, akin to the 35% rate Canada is now imposing. Other territories, including EU, UK, and Japan, are expected to follow suit.

You can cancel any backorder, but we do not recommend this; there is a tremendous shortage of tubes.









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