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TE-LAB, a hand-crafted modular sound machine with granular and sequencing by Love Hulten

2022-3-14 07:35| 发布者: 89032480| 查看: 411| 评论: 0

摘要: TE-LAB, a hand-crafted modular sound machine with granular and sequencing by Love HultenSYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use ...
TE-LAB, a hand-crafted modular sound machine with granular and sequencing by Love Hulten

SYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation & partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you support the website. Thanks! 

TE-Lab is an impressive hand-crafted modular sound machine from Love Hulten with granular and sequencing power from Teenage Engineering, Microcosm…

Love Hulten is one of the most fascinating developers in the synth world. That’s because he’s very different. Instead of developing new synthesizers or effects from scratch, he builds new instruments from existing products. So, individual devices become a complete, standalone instrument. I like to talk about works of art here because the instruments are unique and hand-crafted.

His latest project the TE-LAB is again very lovely and fascinating.

Love Hulten TE-LAB
Love Hulten’s new TE-LAB is a modular sound machine which is based on various well-known instruments and effects. The core sound engine consists of modules from the Teenage Engineering PO Modular series. It features analog oscillators, filter, sequencer, and more.

Then, it hosts the lovely Holograms Microcosm, a granular effects pedal with 11 unique algorithms that rearranges and interprets your sound in new and exciting ways. You can here use sampling, pitch-shift, delay, and loop techniques to create unique timbres. Great for huge ambient textures, hypnotic drones, and much more.

It also includes a specially developed turnable sequencer with pins. Very reminiscent of the Playtronica Orbit sequencer. Plus, it has a circular oscilloscope that gives you direct feedback on the waveforms you are generating. All of this is framed in a newly designed wooden console in bright yellow. Just like the Teenage Engineering PO-400 system.

The design is very unusual especially with the yellow color of the wood. Nonetheless Love Hulten’s designs are very impressive and beautiful.

Love Hulten TE Lab is not available for purchase.









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