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ALM Busy Circuits MCF x2, a new dual analog filter module for Eurorack

2022-1-20 08:59| 发布者: 2654380| 查看: 406| 评论: 0

摘要: ALM Busy Circuits MCF x2, a new dual analog filter module for EurorackSYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you suppor ...
ALM Busy Circuits MCF x2, a new dual analog filter module for Eurorack

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ALM Busy Circuits MCF x2 (14HP) is the successor to the MCF with double analog filtering power, more CVs, and deeper routing capabilities.

There are umpteen analog filters on the market. Almost every manufacturer offers a classic, “bread and butter” analog filter. So what happens when the market is saturated with such modules. In order to stand out from the crowd, you have to come up with new ideas to inspire musicians.

Result: filters are becoming more and more complex and sophisticated. Thanks to intelligent circuit designs, they offer much more deeper and richer timbre than a classic module. A nice example is the new MCF x2 Module from ALM Busy Circuits.

ALM Busy Circuits MCF x2
ALM Busy Circuits MCF x2
MCF from ALM is a popular analog filter module  in Eurorack. Now it has grown out of its clothes and shines in a new form. This as a dual analog filter with 14HP, tons of control, CV inputs and routing capabilities called MCF x2. A filter on each side, each with three outputs that run simultaneously, including a low pass, high pass, and a switchable band pass/notch filter. The latter can be set by a jumper on the back of the module.

MCF x2 has basic controls: a cutoff and resonance knobs, with CV input attenuverter and attentuator respectively, allowing you to shape your timbres over time. The filters can reach self-oscillation and offers filter tracking via the dedicated 1V/oct tracking inputs. Thus, you can use it also as a dual synth voice.

It becomes more exciting and tonally deeper when you combine them with each other. That opens the door for interesting blending effects, filtering two signals at the same, or even wild cross-modulation and feedback results. There is also a link function giving you syncronized control over both filters. And with the feed button you can feed the filter one into filter two.

At first glance an interesting further development of the MCF filter. Above all, the wide range of internal routing capabilities make the module tempting.

ALM Busy Circuits is available now for $289 USD.









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