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New Calendar Features Synthesizer Pioneers, Supports Non-Profit

2021-11-8 07:30| 发布者: 6326750| 查看: 369| 评论: 0

摘要: New Calendar Features Synthesizer Pioneers, Supports Non-Profit Bob Moog FoundationThe Bob Moog Foundation has announced their 2022 calendar, Synthesizer Pioneers, covering 18 months and honoring inno ...
New Calendar Features Synthesizer Pioneers, Supports Non-Profit Bob Moog Foundation
The Bob Moog Foundation has announced their 2022 calendar, Synthesizer Pioneers, covering 18 months and honoring innovators in the field of synthesis from the past 60 years.

All proceeds from the sale of the calendar support the non-profit organization and its projects, including the Moogseum, the Foundation archive and a ‘STEAM’ project to teach the physics of sound using the tools of electronic music.

The calendar focuses on the historic achievements of synthesizer pioneers from all over the world, including Harry Olsen and Herbert Belar (RCA), Harald Bode, Raymond Scott, Bob Moog, Don Buchla, Peter Zinovieff (EMS), Alan R. Pearlman (ARP), Ikutaro Kakehashi (Roland), Fumio Mieda (KORG), Tom Oberheim, Dave Smith, Roger Linn, Wolfgang Palm (PPG), Dave Rossum, Peter Vogel and Kim Ryrie (Fairlight), Ray Kurzweil, Felix Visser (Synton), and Makoto Fukuda (Casio).

Many of the pioneers contributed historical photos of themselves with their hallmark inventions. The calendar goes further to trace the history by highlighting scores of historically significant dates within the calendar grid.

Many people featured shared connections with Bob Moog, ranging from inspirations to friends, colleagues and business associates. Secondary photos on many of the pages highlight these connections and show Moog with his fellow pioneers.

“Bob Moog was a dedicated student to the history of synthesis, and he was the first to acknowledge not only the work of those who came before him, but those whose work continued the evolution of synthesis,” notes Michelle Moog-Koussa, Executive Director of the Bob Moog Foundation.

“Carrying that spirit forward, the Bob Moog Foundation is excited to bring the important work of so many synthesizer pioneers from around the world together in one document, where they can be appreciated and considered, as individuals and as a collective. Every month is dedicated to a new trailblazing innovator. We are honored to help represent their stories and connections in this way.”

The calendar is available to pre-order now, with shipping expected to start later in the month.

Note: The Bob Moog Foundation is an independent 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, dedicated to preserving the legacy of Bob Moog by inspiring others through science, music, and innovation. It is not affiliated with Moog Music, and depends on supporters for its funding.









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