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Boredbrain OPTX ADAT interface for Eurorack

2021-10-5 14:51| 发布者: 5846520| 查看: 514| 评论: 0

摘要: Superbooth 2021: Boredbrain OPTX ADAT interface for EurorackBoredbrain OPTXBoredbrain OPTX · Source: Robin VincentBoredbrain OPTX · Source: BoredbrainBoredbrain OPTXPreviousNextOPTX converts light-p ...
Superbooth 2021: Boredbrain OPTX ADAT interface for Eurorack
Boredbrain OPTX
Boredbrain OPTX  ·  Source: Robin Vincent

Boredbrain OPTX  ·  Source: Boredbrain

Boredbrain OPTX

OPTX converts light-pipe ADAT into 8 DC-coupled inputs and outputs to bridge the modulation and audio gap between Eurorack and your DAW.


I’ve been waiting for something like this for a long time. Take the ADAT ports on your computer’s audio interface (assuming it has them) and plug them directly into your Eurorack and you can funnel both audio and CV to and from your DAW and massively expand on the versatility of both systems.

All you need is a DAW or modular software that supports Control Voltage. Bitwig Studio is a good one, so is Ableton Live with the CV Tools devices, or you can use the Expert Sleepers Silent Way plugins to bring CV into and out of any audio software. But Bitwig in particular has a whole bunch of tools dedicated to the generation and reception of CV and sets in motion the perfect combination of software and hardware.

There is a  number of ways you can use OPTX. Using an ADAT output from your audio interface you can route 8 tracks of audio into your Eurorack. Or, perhaps more usefully, this could be 8 channels of CV, gates or triggers for running sequencers, modulating parameters, running drum machines and generating clocks. The 8 inputs have dual LEDs showing the polarity of the passing signal. Going the other way you could be bringing control voltage into the inputs on the OPTX over to your DAW via your audio interfaces ADAT input. With the right software you can be modulating your software synths with your Eurorack. Last but by no means least you can use the 8 outputs for 8 audio sources for multitrack recording and effects processing in your DAW.

More likely you’ll be using it in a combination of ways: a sequence or two and some modulation going out to your Eurorack with the output of your oscillators coming back into the DAW for some effects and mixing. It’s a very versatile device and can handle internal or external sync at 44.1 or 48kHz.

Boredbrain OPTX

OPTX is only helpful if you have spare ADAT ports on your audio interface or digital mixer but with the right combination of software it’s a bit of a game-changer. I’ve had one for a little while and you can check out my full review and demonstration in the video below.

OPTX is available now from Boredbrain Music for $329. Boredbrain will not be at Superbooth in person this year.









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