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Love Hultén EC1, a hand crafted Synthesizer beauty with Roland sound in the cor ...

2021-9-13 11:34| 发布者: kathyking923| 查看: 394| 评论: 0

摘要: Love Hultén EC1, a hand crafted Synthesizer beauty with Roland sound in the coreSYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, ...
Love Hultén EC1, a hand crafted Synthesizer beauty with Roland sound in the core
SYNTH ANATOMY uses affiliation & partner programs (big red buttons) to finance a part of the activity. If you use these, you support the website. Thanks! 

Love Hultén EC1, a Synthesizer mod powered by vintage Roland sounds and dressed in hand-crafted clothes that fit in the next Wes Anderson movie. 

In the gaming world, computers are often colorful. From slight modifications such as blue fans and green neon lamps to heavy modifications. Better known as the case modders. This reminds me of my LAN party experiences from my youth.

In the Synthesizer world, there are no “case modders” but synthesizer modders. The best known, Love Hultén, regularly generates great enthusiasm with his exceptional synth designs. He creates completely new instruments with newly designed interfaces from existing instruments and effects combinations. His new work, yes there are true works of art, is called EC1 and is a new commissioned lunchbox Synthesizer.

Love Hulten EC1

Love Hultén EC1
The EC1 is not an official product. Even if dubious websites give the impression that you can buy one of Love Hultén’s works here at a bargain price, this is only a scam. So take care. The EC1 was commissioned for a musician and remains a unique piece. And a really nice one.

It’s a foldable synth, where you can put together the parts of the synthesis and the keyboard. Thus the instrument is mobile. A keyboard stand and four poles that can be attached are also integrated in the housing. A brilliant idea to integrate this into the instrument. Personally, I really like the green look of it. As if the synth had been imported fresh from a surreal world. Or like a YouTube comment says: the synth would fit in a West Anderson movie.

Love Hulten EC1

Love Hultén has once again transformed existing electronic music products into an extremely beautiful instrument. For this release, he used the Roland JU-06A boutique Synthesizer, the Cyclone Analogic TT-78 Beat Bot, Dimension C chorus, and the Replication Eurorack module from T-Rex.

Why can’t official products look like this? That would be a nice change. Even if that doesn’t happen, I hope that Love Hultén will continue to spoil our eyes with his designs every now and then. The EC1 is once again a design masterpiece. Well done.









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